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Calendar Says Fall, Weather Maps Say Summer

Orion is one of my favorite constellations, but it was a little disconcerting to see it, along with the Pleiades riding high in the sky when I stepped out this morning. (Both are considered "Winter constellations"). It was also slightly surreal to be looking at them as a gusty north wind persisted that is being produced by what is now post-tropical cyclone Jose. The breezy conditions will continue today. Although there is some clear sky out there now, the circulation around Jose will probably try to throw some cloudiness back our way from time to time (and maybe a few showers across southeastern New England) after the sun comes up, so if we end up partly sunny today, we can consider ourselves lucky. Highs today will be in the 70's, except 60's across southeastern New England and around 80 degrees from New York City, south & west. Fall officially begins at 4:02 P.M.

A high pressure ridge (see image above) will not only help usher Jose and Hurricane Maria out to sea, away from the east coast, but will also establish a summer weather pattern across the eastern U.S. As a result, we can expect conditions to become warmer and more humid during the weekend. Saturday looks partly to mostly sunny with highs in the low 80's. Sunday & Monday are looking mostly sunny & very warm, along with more noticeable humidity (dew points in the 60's) and high temperatures in the 80's (70's across Cape Cod & the Islands & parts of eastern Long Island). The summery weather should stick around until late next week.

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